The Complete Guide To Food Traceability
Food traceability in the food manufacturing and food service industries is a critical component for meeting food safety standards and also an important underlying factor in food safety management.
Squizify Earns 12th Place On The AFR Fast Starters List!
The Australian Financial Review (AFR) Fast Starters list for 2024 is out, with some impressive contenders taking out the top spots—including the team here at Squizify!
Why Your Business Needs Digital Food Safety Software
From supermarkets to airports, hospitals to restaurants, guaranteeing food safety compliance is crucial for ongoing success. But most importantly, it means customers can rest assured that their food is safe to eat! Read on to find out more about digital food safety systems and how they can benefit your business.
10 Reasons Why Food Safety Software Will Revolutionise Your Business
Strong food safety practices are one of the few essential elements for operating a successful business in the food industry. Not only does food safety impact...
Simple Food Safety Mistakes That Can Be Costly For Your Business
We know most business owners work hard to ensure they are selling a quality product and an excellent customer experience. However, when it comes to food safety all it takes is...
The New World of Food Safety Thanks to COVID19
Without stating the obvious, the Australian foodservice industry is on their knees at the moment. The food outlets that are still open are having to dramatically change and adapt the way they run their business in order to survive.